13 snacks we always used to want in our lunchbox

Lunch wasn't complete without a cheestring and a frube.

At school, we were always one of those kids who brought in a packed lunch – which to some extent, made other kids think we were a little bit weird. But HEY, we won our cool street cred back by bringing in these killer snacks. They're making us feel peckish now...

1. Cheestrings

Because peelable cheese is one of life's greatest pleasures.

2. Pringles box

If you brought your Pringles to school in one of these, you earned a certain level of respect that day.

3. Peperami

Who else really wanted to bite the salami's head off in this ad?!

3. Babybel

Peeling the skin off was usually more exciting than eating the actual cheese.

5. Kinder egg

The toy wasn't great, there was never enough chocolate, and the whole experience was a bit average. Yet for some reason, we always wanted one.

6. Sunny Delight (now known as SunnyD)

SunnyD... AKA, little pots of liquid heaven.

7. Billy Bear

Did anyone else poke out the eyes and mouth and hold it to your face?

No? Just us?

8. Dairylea Dunkers

Stick them on your fingers, waggle them in the air and make up a moovellous song. Snack times, treat times, your time and their time become even more Dairylicious fun with Jumbo Tubes!

And nope, it's not sad that we remembered that.

9. Animal crackers

If your mum bought the ones without a chocolate coating, she was in for a resentful car journey into school that morning.

10. Iced gems

Delicious, until the pastel bit fell off and we were left with the boring biscuit!

12. Capri-Sun

Who remembers trying to squeeze the tube into the tiniest possible square, to get all the juice out?

13. Wildlife bars

They might be the thinnest chocolate around, but it was all about the packaging and collecting the animals!

15. Frubes

Fromage frais in a tube. What's not to love?

We're hungry now...