7 great free home-schooling resources

You might even teach yourself a thing or two!

Maddie and Greg are taking on science!
Author: Hollie-Anne BrooksPublished 26th Mar 2020

While we know we're all in it together, nothing takes away the exhaustion after a day of home-schooling. From figuring our different daily activities, wondering how best to use screen time and the ever-changing environment causing disruption, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. However, fear not, there are plenty of fantastic free home-schooling out there to help keep both you and your children happy.

Free home-schooling resources

P.E with Joe Wicks

Joe Wicks has taken over the nation with his live P.E classes. The fitness influencer and dad is using his skills live on YouTube every morning at 9am to get kids up, awake and moving. There's no reason adults can't join in too! If you've missed a live session, you can watch them at any time.

Carol Vorderman free maths classes

Carol Vorderman normally runs a pay-to-subscribe site called The Maths Factor however, during the current need to home-school, she's opened up the site entirely for free. The former Countdown sensation provides classes for those age 4-11, all within the national curriculum. Normally costing £2 per week, The Maths Factor is a brilliant free home-schooling resource to utilise daily.

Free Minecraft games

There's not a kid who doesn't seem to love Minecraft. The building game has an educational version, originally meant for use in classrooms, that is now free to download until June 30th 2020 from the Minecraft Marketplace.

Digital tours around galleries and museums

With galleries and museums closed, it doesn't mean the education stops at the door. So many have opened their digital doors with tours around some of the most famous museums in the world all from the comfort of your own home. Show children places they might never get the chance to go to like the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in South Korea, the famous Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and the Natural History Museum in London.

Science with Greg Foot and Maddie Moate

Education YouTuber and presenter Maddie Moate and science journalist Greg Foot are bringing science into everyone's front rooms with live classes at 11am every morning. Suitable for key stage one and two, Maddie and Greg host live for 30 minutes with experiments, games and makes which promise to be fun for all the family!

Free Duolingo language classes

Duolingo have a tailored kids section, meaning your children could be speaking pretty decent French, Spanish or even Japanese by the summer. The app starts off by assessing your child's current language skills and from there provides them with tailored words, phrases and quizzes to help boost their knowledge and encourage speech and reading practice at home.

Salt dough making

If you can get hold of flour, salt dough seems to be having a huge resurgence thanks to home-schooling. Cheap, fun and easy, try making then painting a series of salt dough characters and asking children to write a play for them to star in.