Bride and groom driven to their wedding in a police car after traffic collision nightmare

All thanks to local police!

Everybody worries about their wedding day running smoothly, but this newlywed couple were hit with one huge hiccup!

After exchanging vows, Georgia and Emmott Garnett were on their way to the reception, when their wedding car was hit by another car.

Stranded in the car with their 10-month-old son Arlo (luckily with no injuries), the trio were shortly rescued by the heroic Burnley and Padiham Police.

When the officers arrived at the accident, PC Pete Haworth offered the trio a ride in the police vehicle, complete with a new decorative bow on the front.

Burnley and Padiham Police then posted a photo on Facebook of Georgia and Emmett emerging from the police car in their wedding gear.

"Shortly after 3pm on Saturday 28th January 2017," they said, "reports of an RTC on Colne Road, Burnley were received."

"Officers were deployed, and it transpired that a vehicle involved in the collision was that of the bride and groom!"

"Not one to (always) let people down, PC Haworth sprung up, put ribbon on the police vehicle, and transported the newlyweds to their reception, for an evening of drinking and dancing."

"Congratulations to the newlyweds – Mr and Mrs Garnett!"

That'll be a story and a half to tell the grandkids!