We’ve Got That Friday Feeling: This Is What The Weekend Feels Like

Published 29th Sep 2016

Sponsored by McCain Crispy French Fries.

Friday? More like Fri-yay! The end of the week is upon us and we are more than ready. We’ve teamed up with McCain Crispy French Fries to help your whole family embrace that Friday feeling.

No Rushing

You breeze into the house after a big week and you’re absolutely loving the fact that there will be no school rush tomorrow morning. Breathe in and breathe out. The weekend’s here!

More Time for Fun

Friday means there’s more time for family activity. It’s the best time of the week to go for a walk or pop to the local park to work up an appetite for tea!

Dinner time

Nothing sets you right for Friday night like a fun, family teatime with everyone around the table. With burgers and McCain Crispy French Fries at the ready… load up those plates and tuck in!


The weekend is the promise of a good time with your favourite bunch of people. Whatever your family is into- sports, movies or a trip to the countryside, your fun weekend plans will never fail to put a skip in your step.

Late Nights And Sleep Ins

Fridays are special. There’s nothing like breaking bedtime rules when you know you all get to enjoy an extra lie in tomorrow. Sweet dreams!

Thank Mum It’s Fries-day with McCain Crispy French Fries.

Plus! Click here for your chance to win some great prizes, thanks to McCain Crispy French Fries!