Backstage at West End LIVE 2018

Here's what went on!

Author: Magic RadioPublished 19th Jun 2018
Last updated 20th Jun 2018

This weekend saw London's Trafalgar Square host a celebration of musicals and theatre as over 30 of the theatreland's finest productions all performed on one stage for West End LIVE 2018.

As the crowds poured in to watch the free event, a team of Magic presenters were huddled backstage amongst countless costumes and more than a few cans of hairspray preparing to host the stage. We caught up with Angie Greaves after the event...

So - any costume dramas backstage?

No dramas! In fact, it was amazing to see how theatre is so much more than costume. It's about attitude and energy. I really felt this when Trevor Dion Nicholas (who plays the larger than life Genie in Aladdin) walked backstage in everyday clothing – just jeans and a t-shirt – but I still saw the Genie!

How would you describe the atmosphere?

Imagine you're in a theatre and you just know that your favourite song is about to come up. Now remove the roof and multiply the audience by 100... that was the atmosphere!

Spot any unusual warm-ups?

Suzie Mathers who has been in Wicked was making me crack up doing her vocal exercises... I'd demonstrate but I wouldn't be able to. A lot of "brrrrrrrr"!

What was your stand out moment?

On Sunday there was a piece of video played of Michael Jibson as his character of King George in Hamilton. He was wishing the audience a nice day and then started singing a piece of music from the show – and everyone started singing. And I mean the whole crowd! It was amazing to hear from backstage.

Tom Chambers and Angie Greaves joined by the cast of

Listen to Angie Greaves from 2 – 5pm every weekday... and go to West End LIVE to see a full list of the weekend's performances.