WATCH: Scottish grandmother giving make-up tips is hilarious

She demonstrates an 'instant facelift'.

Published 7th Nov 2016
Last updated 24th Jan 2017

Sandra Boylan, a 64-year-old grandmother from Scotland has become the latest Internet sensation, after she posted a tongue-in-cheek video featuring her make-up tips on Facebook.

Sandra starts by explaining how she thought she'd share some of her make-up tips for people with older skin as she feels she looks pretty good for 64.

First up is her tip on how to apply lipstick: "I usually take my lipstick, the colour that I like and then I put it..." – but before she can finish her sentence, the lipstick breaks!

Next, she demonstrates the 'instant facelift', which involves covering your face with Sellotape and wrapping it around your head.

Her final tip is how to deal with bad hair...

The easy solution, put a hat on!

Since uploading the video on the 11th October, Sandra has racked up 685k views and nearly 10,000 shares.

Why did we never think of the sellotape trick?!