Ronan celebrates the birth of baby Coco with Magic Breakfast

Welcome to the world Coco Knox!

Congratulations to Ronan and Storm!
Author: Hollie-Anne BrooksPublished 1st Apr 2020

It's been a time of celebration here at Magic as Ronan Keating and wife Storm welcomed their gorgeous baby girl, Coco Knox, into the world. And Ronan's Breakfast partner Harriet Scott was the first one on hand to hear all about how the new addition is getting on. Speaking on Wednesday's show, Ronan revealed how the birth went, how son Cooper is finding being a big brother and how they choose her gorgeous name.

Listen: Ronan Keating opens up to Magic Breakfast about his new arrival

With the UK on lockdown and social distancing in place, it wasn't the usual family filled visits once Coco was born but the couple praised the doctors and nurses who brought the new bundle of joy into the world.

"It was obviously very strange, because nobody could come into the hospital. It was just Storm and myself and little Coco in lockdown in the hospital. The nurses were amazing, the staff were brilliant. But it was just so different, it was so quiet. Which was kind of nice in a way.

We had all of that time, just to ourselves. Cooper couldn’t come in, his other brothers and sisters couldn’t come. So it was a strange one. It was very different and lovely.”

But son Cooper has made up for lost time and even joined in on dad's chat with the Breakfast team.

"Sunday. Coco came home on Sunday" he injected, clearly excited.

“Cooper is an amazing big brother. Coco was very generous to go to the shop and buy him a digger. It was unbelievable, his joy. Coco didn’t realise it had so many noisy buttons though. I mean I wish she’d thought about it in the shop. It not just wakes Coco it wakes the whole house up.”

Despite the digger, the family are getting on well.

“It’s daddy day care. Like so many others, it’s all hands on deck. Look, it’s amazing. Mama’s doing great.. she’s the tiniest little, beautiful little bundle. She’s gorgeous.”

“Storm is flying, she’s doing wonderful. Feeling great, enjoying this whole process once again. It’s lovely. I mean, it’s obviously strange times as we know, but we don’t need to go on about it, we’re all in the same boat. It’s working for us right now because we’re enjoying just being in the house, spending all this time together.” Aww!

Of course, we couldn't let Ronan go without finding out how he came up with their adorable daughter's name.

“We actually had that name before we knew we were having a boy the first time round." Great choice!

Congratulations once again to Ronan, Storm and all the family and we're looking forward to more updates as they come.

Tune in to Magic Breakfast with Ronan Keating and Harriet Scott every weekday.