Family warn of salmonella dangers after Messingham Show purchase

Duck eggs were bought at the event in North Lincolnshire

Duck eggs
Author: Andy MarshPublished 1st Jul 2022

The family of a man, who died from severe salmonella are calling for a greater understanding of the dangers of it as well as the symptoms.

65-year-old Niptoon Tavakoli from Doncaster fell ill two months after eating four duck eggs that he bought at a Messingham Show, in North Lincolnshire in June 2019.

An inquest heard how an ambulance was called on two separate occasions but he was only taken to hospital the second time.

A jury found he would have been diagnosed sooner if he'd been taken straight away.

Catherine Slattery from law firm Irwin Mitchell has been representing the family:

"His wife Cheryl unfortunately suffered a family bereavement and had to leave Niptoon."

"He told her to go."

"For Cheryl she feels very strongly that she wishes she'd been there to see if anything more could have been done for her husband."

An inquest jury heard how he first called an ambulance on June 7 after suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting (D&V), but the crew decided to not to take him to hospital, instead giving him advice.

Cheryl told the inquest how she called an ambulance again on June 10 as she was very concerned about her husband, fearing he may have developed sepsis.

She said he had mottling on his body, and his lips and his nails had turned blue.

The same ambulance crew attended and this time took him to Doncaster Royal Infirmary.

Mrs Tavakoli described how parts of her husband's body had turned black by the time he arrived at the hospital.

On Thursday evening, a jury found that "mandatory policy should have been followed and he should have been transferred straight to hospital" the first time the paramedics were called to the house in Lindholme, near Doncaster.

The jury found that an admission on June 7 "would have led to him being treated for sepsis and diagnosed with salmonella sooner".

The jurors said that the opportunity to administer antibiotics within the first hour was missed and this contributed to "his prospect of survival".

Mrs Tavakoli described how her husband, who also worked in the catering business for many years, ate the four eggs with toast in two separate meals, in each case frying them really well.

Intensive care specialist Dr Jon Maskill told the inquest that Mr Tavakoli's infection was one of the worst cases he had ever seen.

Speaking after the inquest, Mrs Tavakoli said: "It's almost impossible to find the words to describe the impact Niptoon's death has had on our family.

"He was such a caring and fun person who loved spending time with his family and friends but also antique hunting and collecting coins."

She said: "While nothing can bring him back we take some small comfort from at least being able to honour his memory by now establishing the answers Niptoon deserved.

"However, we feel we need to speak out to raise awareness of the dangers of not only salmonella but sepsis.

"People have probably heard of sepsis but I'm not sure everyone is fully aware of how dangerous it is."

Mrs Tavakoli said: "Niptoon had worked in the catering business for years so knew the importance of good hygiene, safety standards and knew how to cook duck eggs.

"That he contracted salmonella even with his knowledge shows that other could fall ill after eating them. We just want to try and make people aware as we wouldn't want another family to go through what we have."

Mrs Tavakoli said signs of sepsis include slurred speech, confusion, extreme shivering and muscle pain, passing no urine in a day, severe breathlessness and mottled or discoloured skin.

Law firm Irwin Mitchell, representing the family, said the Yorkshire Ambulance Service has admitted liability for Niptoon's death.

Solicitor Catherine Slattery said: "For several years (the family has) had a number of concerns about the events that unfolded. Sadly the inquest and the Ambulance Service's report have validated those concerns.

"The effects of gastric illnesses such as salmonella should never be downplayed.

"In Niptoon's case it led to him developing sepsis which is an incredibly dangerous illness; however, the condition can be beaten if diagnosed and treated quickly.

"While it's too late for Niptoon and his family, we welcome that the Ambulance Service has taken measures to improve sepsis awareness among its staff. However, it's vital that lessons continue to be learned to improve patient safety for others."

The jury concluded that Mr Tavakoli died of natural causes.