We're hearing how important support is for people that are indirectly affected by baby loss

The loss of a child can impact family, friends and others in an individual's circle.

Author: Charlotte LinnecarPublished 9th Oct 2023
Last updated 9th Oct 2023

People who have been affected by the loss of a child are talking about the importance of reaching out for support.

Sandii Raithby - from Grimsby was supporting her best friend after the loss of her baby - and Sandii's godson.

But she says it was difficult to understand how she could be there for her friend - and that's why she says it's important that there are groups like hers - the Grimsby and Cleethorpes Sands group:

"So, we started our group in Grimsby coming up for seven years ago. It'll be 7 years next year and that was because there was a massive need for it in the town. We now see anywhere between 10 and 20 families a month.

"They come along to our support meetings and what's really important, is that our support meetings are completely confidential, a safe space for anybody. Nothing leaves the room. Whatever you say in that room stays in that room and you know that everybody in that room, knows how you're feeling. So there's nothing that you can say that's going to shock us, or upset us, or scare us, or make you think that you're crazy, or losing your mind, because everybody that's in that room has been in the same situation.

"So, that's the most important thing about it, everybody knows where you've been, how you're feeling and what journey you're on.

She added that for her, it was hard to understand how to support her friend at the time:

"So, my story is a little bit different to most of the people we deal with, in that I am not a bereaved parent directly. I came to be involved with Sands, because my best friend had a little boy, who was my godson, Isaac, and there wasn't a Sands where they lived, which is how the group in Grimsby was born. We very much do it to remember my godson, who is so important to me, and because it's my way of giving back to the support that Sands gave my best friend when I felt like I couldn't. So yeah, my story is slightly different to most people, but it is still just as important to me.

"But experiencing something like this, it has a really wide ripple in effect, you know, there'll be aunties, uncles, grandparents, godparents like myself, and also employers, and friends. This whole network of people that thankfully we've got the resources that can help them figure out how to how to best support the the parents at the heart of it."

If you need support, or would like to see what Sands are all about, go to Sands.

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