Organisations across Lincolnshire and Newark help tackle climate change

We've been speaking to the University of Lincoln about what they're doing

Solar panels
Author: Andy MarshPublished 3rd Nov 2021

With the Cop 26 climate change conference taking place in Glasgow we've looking at what local businesses and other organisations have been doing to address environmental issues.

We've spoken to the University of Lincoln about their efforts.

They told us education is the key.

It teaches over 14-thousand students and has over 1 and a half thousand members of staff.

Rebecca Forster, sustainability manager at the Uni says they have huge potential to influence change.

She says "every building we build is now more sustainable".

"So the recently built Lincoln Medical school building is our most sustainable building on campus."

"That's to make sure our buildings are operating in the most energy efficient way possible to reach emissions associated with gas and electricity use."

"When colleagues work in offices it's how they behave whilst they're on our campus, they're recycling, turning off lights and electrical appliances when not in use.".

With the Cop26 summit continuing for the next few days it's thought it might persuade local firms to do more to "go green".