Lincolnshire farmers reveal concerns about mental health issues

Around a third are thought to suffer from depression at some point

Author: Andy MarshPublished 16th Feb 2022

Farmers across Lincolnshire are being urged to talk about their mental health - as we can reveal over a third in the country are feeling depressed.

It comes as national figures reveal 44 people in the industry took their own life in England, and Wales, in 2020.

Safety Charity 'Yellow Wellies' have now launched a campaign, 'Mind Your Head' to raise awareness.

Charles Anyan is a farmer near Gainsborough, he's preparing to run a mental health marathon.

He told us "agricultural has quite a lot of stresses, input prices have gone through the roof, livestock sector especially pig farmers".

"We work very much alone and it can make life difficult at times".

"It may be the whole trying to be macho thing (among many farmers)".

"There's a lot of stigma still attached to mental health and it's just a case of getting people to keep talking".

He advises "you've got to reach out to people, have a think who's in your network, friends, neighbours, colleagues, wives, husbands."

"There are some very good charities out there because a problem shared is a problem halved."