Community fund to help Ukraine refugees settle in Lincolnshire launched

The number of refugees arriving in our county is, as yet, unknown

Author: Ana Da SilvaPublished 16th Mar 2022

A new appeal has been set up to raise funds for refugees who could be finding a new home in Lincolnshire under the new refugee sponsorship scheme.

Lead by charity Lincolnshire Community Foundation, it will complement the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal, and is aimed to welcome refugees into Greater Lincolnshire.

The number of refugees arriving in our county is, as yet, unknown. It’s understood they will be mainly women and children, as men have been made to stay in Ukraine to fight against the Russian invasion.

Speaking to Lincs FM, charity CEO, Sue Fortune, told us she wants Lincolnshire to be prepared to help as many refugees as possible adjust to a new life here.

“What we do want to be is ready, and we know people will arrive in the county as we know people will arrive in the UK.

“We just want to be ready, so that when most people do come into our county we can react really quickly and make them feel part of our community.”

The fund aims to ‘offer a lifeline to many who will arrive in the UK with little or few possessions at all’, the charity said in a statement.

Funds may also be distributed to local community groups, charities and organisations delivering vital, practical and meaningful support to those who need it, including the cost of removing language barriers.

Teaching English skills and essential living expenses aim to be delivered alongside partner agencies to avoid duplication, so that money is reaching those who need support.

'Homes for Ukraine' refugee sponsorship scheme

Giving more details on the Homes for Ukraine scheme, Michael Gove said: "Sponsors in the UK can be of any nationality with any immigration status, provided they have at least six months leave to remain within the UK.

"Sponsors will have to provide accommodation for a minimum of six months. In recognition of their generosity, the Government will provide a monthly payment of £350 to sponsors for each family whom they look after."

The money raised by Lincolnshire Community Fund will be used to provide essential items, not already covered by central or local Government.

Speaking to Lincs FM, CEO Sue Fortune explained it’s important to give refugees the opportunity to choose for themselves what they need to make their lives better, as they come to terms with their new environment:

It’s about breaking those barriers that will stop people being able to integrate into the county.

“If for example, if refugees are provided with housing, it may be that some of the funds can help them furnish a house. It’s mean to give them a choice given the circumstances in which they’ll arrive in our country. They’ll be coming into a country they know nothing about, a different culture.”

More information about the appeal by Lincolnshire Community Fund can be found here.

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