#BehindTheMask: We open up about our mental health during lockdown

It's estimated more than half the people across North East Lincolnshire have felt like they need time off work because of their mental health during the pandemic.

Author: Mick Coyle and Hannah NorburyPublished 4th Feb 2021
Last updated 4th Feb 2021

We've lived through one of the most difficult and disrupted years in more than a generation, so it's no surprise it's had an impact on our physical, as well as mental, health.

Now we're looking #BehindTheMask to discuss how we've coped emotionally through the pandemic.

We're sharing stories of those who've experienced it from different angles, backgrounds and locations to open up the conversation about mental health.

WATCH: NHS Dr Tushar Dixit opens up about his experiences for #BehindTheMask

New figures released on Time to Talk Day (4th February) show that mental health is still taboo when it comes to taking time out. A recent survey by Time to Change estimates that over half of people in North East Lincolnshire (51%) have felt the need to take time off work, school, or university due to a mental health problem during the pandemic, more than anywhere else in England. Worryingly, despite so many recognising a need to take time out, only 21% actually did so. Meanwhile it's estimated 41% of people in Lincolnshire felt the same.

Amy from Grimsby has anorexia and bipolar, she said:

"Just having someone say is everything ok, just having something like that would've made a big difference to how I felt at school, because I felt ashamed and I felt that I had to hide away from people and I had to hide everything."

During the first pandemic, Amy hardly spoke to anyone from March to November, as she struggled with her mental health during lockdown, until a friend reached out:

"I was obviously too unwell to ask for help, and I was too scared and worried, I didn't know what people would think and I felt quite ashamed I went back to my eating disorder again.

"But then it made such a difference knowing she was always there, even though I didn't want to talk, she always sent a message now and again checking I was ok. She said I don't care if you don't reply, I want to let you know that I am here."

It's Time to Talk about mental health

Further results from the national survey showed that, of those people who struggled with their mental health during the pandemic, a simple message of support from a colleague, friend or family member made all the difference.

Over 2 in 5 (42%) said someone reaching out made them feel reassured they weren’t alone; 32% said they were comforted that there was someone to listen; and 28% said it made them feel they could seek help.

Time to Talk Day 2021 adopts the theme ‘The Power of Small’, which aims to showcase the big difference these seemingly small conversations or gestures can make.

WATCH: Jo Loughran from Time To Talk Day speak to Mick Coyle about opening up about your feelings

Jo Loughran, Director of Time to Change, said “We know that attitudes towards those of us with mental health problems have improved in recent years and it’s important that we don’t let that slide. The last year has been hard and it’s perhaps made more people realise that we can all struggle with our mental health at times. Let’s take this opportunity to ensure that we all feel comfortable talking about it, too.

“It’s easy to think we haven’t got the power to make a change. But lots of ‘small’ conversations can add up to a big difference in tackling the stigma and discrimination too many people still experience because of their mental health. So, this Time to Talk Day, play your part - send a text, reach out, have a conversation.”

How to talk about mental health with a friend, colleague or family member

Here are some tips about how to bring up mental health in every day conversation:

  1. Ask questions and listen; “How does it affect you?” or “What does it feel like?”
  1. Think about the time and place; sometimes it’s easier to talk side-by-side. Try chatting while doing something else, like walking.
  1. Don’t try and fix it; resist the urge to offer quick fixes, often listening is enough.

Can I get involved in #BehindTheMask?

Of course. Share your feelings on social media, and use the hashtag #BehindTheMask so you can see other people sharing their stories.

Some people are comfortable sharing a video, like Dr Tushar above, other will prefer text, emojis or a gif.

If you want to film a video, film in landscape selfie mode. If you want to remove your mask at the start before you introduce yourself, ensure you're in a safe space, following all safety guidelines.

Where can I get more support for my mental health?

Speak to your GP - they are trained to recognise mental health issues, just as they are physical.

Find mental health services where you are by visiting the Hub of Hope

Find out more about Time To Talk Day and access their resources here