Police take action in Newark as part of a crackdown on antisocial behaviour

the action has been taken against a number of youths in the area

Author: Julie CastonPublished 2nd Jan 2022
Last updated 2nd Jan 2022

An operation to combat a rise in antisocial behaviour in Newark - has resulted in police taking action against a number of youths.

The force teamed up with the councils to crack down on criminal activity in the Hawtonville area.

It has involved officers carrying out high-visibility and plain-clothed patrols, as well as engaging positively with youths and local residents.

Since August - 16 people have been issued Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and 6 interviewed under caution.

A dispersal zone has also been created - so officers can order youths to leave the area, and not return for 48 hours, or face arrest.

The following action has been taken by officers:

16 people have been issued Acceptable Behaviour Contracts. These contracts specify prohibited acts and the consequences of any breaches.

Six people interviewed under caution following incidents such as public order offences, criminal damage and hate crime reports.

‘Point of interest’ markers implemented in four hotspot areas, meaning any reports of antisocial behaviour at these locations are upgraded for urgent attendance.

Fencing repaired around Hawtonville Young People’s Centre to prevent trespassing.

Activity days, outreach events and community engagement days organised in partnership with Newark and Sherwood District Council and Nottinghamshire County Council.

Neighbourhood Inspector Charlotte Allardice, of Nottinghamshire Police, said the operation had been targeted at several large groups of teenagers in the Hawtonville area of Newark.

She said: “This dedicated operation shows how we are listening to concerns raised by our local residents and businesses and taking robust action to tackle antisocial behaviour which causes so much misery to people’s lives.

“It is in response to a rise in antisocial behaviour and alcohol-related violence in Hawtonville which has included reports received of youths causing issues such as throwing bricks and eggs, shouting abuse at people, shoplifting and kicking doors.

“We’re sending a strong message that if you are commit a crime in Newark you will be swiftly caught and dealt with.

“I want to reassure law-abiding people our officers are fully committed to preventing crime and keeping them safe and we will continue to relentlessly target those suspected of wrongdoing.

"This ongoing joint operation, which is also being bolstered by the force’s dedicated Operation Reacher team, demonstrates this commitment and our determination to make Newark a hostile place for criminals.”

PC Lydia Day and PCSO Jo Groom are among the officers who have delivered the operation.

PC Day said she understood the impact of antisocial behaviour on neighbourhoods and communities and that she and her colleagues were determined to combat the issue.

She said: “Antisocial behaviour has a significant impact on local residents and businesses. As a result, we have been taking action against any youths identified as being involved in such unacceptable behaviour.

“We will continue to work with our partner agencies, as well as local businesses and residents to tackle any incidents in these areas.

“We will also continue both high visibility and plain clothes patrols in order to deter or catch offenders ‘red-handed’ and take appropriate action. Any behaviour which causes alarm or distress to any person is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated.”

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