There’s an app that let’s you know which McDonald’s ice cream machines are broken


Published 8th Nov 2017

Ever made the journey to McDonald’s in search of the sweet nectar that is a McFlurry only for the ice cream machine to broken?! NIGHTMARE! And let’s be real, those machines seem to break a lot!

Now there’s an app attempting to solve the problem. Ice Check, allows users to search for nearby Mcdonald’s restaurants and also lets you know if those locations have working ice cream machines. The app relies on users participation, if someone finds a McDonald’s ice cream machine is out of order they enter the location information and it sets it to ‘off’. The location's icon will then appear grey inside the app.

Ice Check launched in April, and according to Buzzfeed founder Raina McLeod “came up with the idea for the app around a year ago, after a late night Oreo McFlurry craving went unfulfilled due to the ice cream machine being down."

Now anyone else feeling hungry?🍦 🍔 🍟