Ellis Hillon breaks her silence after being REMOVED from Big Brother house
She was removed for 'offensive tweets'
Ellis Hillon lasted less than a day before being removed from the Big Brother house after bosses were made aware of some very offensive tweets she'd written when she was 15, and now the 19-year-old has issued an apology.
After fans of the show discovered two VERY offensive tweets about 9/11 on her account, Big Brother bosses made the decision to confront Ellis in the Diary Room, presenting the tweets on a piece of paper.
Big Brother then asked her to confirm whether she'd written the tweets, to which she replied, "Yeah I did, years ago... but yeah." She was then told, "Big Brother does not tolerate offensive language. As a result we will be removing you immediately."
Now, Ellis has apologised for the tweets, saying in a statement "I want to stress how sorry I am about any offence and upset that was caused due to what I have said on social media.
"I understand that I was totally in the wrong and I should never have said such horrible things. All the comments were from my teenage years and I am deeply ashamed of them. I didn’t stop to think how they could be so hurtful at the time."
She continued, "I am totally heartbroken at the fact that my dream of going on Big Brother has ended this way and I wasn't able to show people the 'real me. If I had been given the chance I would have shown everyone that I'm not racist.
"I was getting on very well and interacting with the other housemates from different backgrounds and I want people to know that I'm not a bad person. I hope people can forgive me."
See this year's full Big Brother line up:
Kenaley Amos-Sissons

Despite Ellis owning up to the tweets, before the moment aired on Big Brother, Ellis' sister, who was looking after her Twitter account, wrote, 'There were no bad tweets!!! People just talk absolute rubbish and make fake things up. There will be no negativity here and my sister will shine. Good night!!!'. sic
This account has now been suspended, with reports suggesting that Ellis is being investigated by McDonalds, the company she currently works for.