Rihanna tattoos a man - #ANTIdiaRy explained

Where oh where is Rihanna’s eighth album ‘ANTI’? We try to figure out...

Published 10th Dec 2015

Where oh where is Rihanna’s eighth album ‘ANTI’?

The singer has been teasing its release on her social media for… weeks? months? years?

This week is no different with her posting videos that open rooms three and four of the #ANTIdiaRy. In the third room, Rihanna wears a white dress before being pushed through a door. She emerges the other side wearing black. In the fourth room Ri-Ri is tattooing a man's face.

What we do know, is that, the rooms represent albums or stages in Rihanna’s career. When the eighth room is opened, ‘ANTI’ will be released! This means that the third and fourth rooms represent her albums ‘Good Girl Gone Bad’ and Rated R’.

For the past two weeks, Rihanna has been opening rooms on a Friday. However with two rooms opened this week, the actual release of ‘ANTI’ is anybody’s guess.