Justin Bieber says he was "scared" of leaked nude photo

The Sorry singer says he was worried about "shrinkage"!

Published 6th Nov 2015

It's been a controversial few months for Justin Bieber, which have included his recent radio interview walk-out and his storm off stage mid-gig in Norway. Most notoriously, however, was the leaked photo of Justin in the buff whilst on holiday.

Back in October when on vacation in Bora Bora, Justin was snapped by the paparazzi TOTALLY starkers. The photo of the 21 year-old pop star was then published and spread across the internet.

Speaking to US magazine Billboard recently, Justin said: "I was scared. I first saw the one with the black bar over it. I was like, 'Oh, my God. I just got out of the water. Shrinkage is real.'"

Justin later added, having seen the uncensored photo, "No, no. That's as big as she his penis gets."

On the photo being leaked at all, the Sorry singer explained: "I do feel the photo was an invasion of my privacy. I felt super violated."

In response to the photo that was taken of Justin, the singer's dad tried to make light of the situation and joked on Twitter saying: "What do you feed that thing. #proud daddy" and included a blushing face emoji. The tweet has since been removed from his account.

More naked photos of Justin emerged back in July and prompted LOTS of hilarious memes across the internet.