LEGO Movie 2 star Elizabeth Banks reacts to Chris Pratt's story on how to 'woo the ladies'

Chris Pratt and Elizabeth Banks visit #KISSBreakfast and chat all things love.

Chris Pratt & Elizabeth Banks on KISS Breakfast
Author: Nicole AbbottPublished 8th Feb 2019
Last updated 11th Feb 2019

Chris Pratt and Elizabeth Banks popped by to chat to Tom & Daisy at KISS Breakfast to talk all things LOVE and reveals how far they would both go to impress someone they like. Oh la la.

Tom starts off by saying "It's coming up to Valentine's Day, right?" Chris instantly replied saying "Let's go!" We love the enthusiasm Chris. Tom jumps in and asks "Have you ever been on a bad date because I can't believe that this would happen to you both because you such talented people." Elizabeth seems lost for words saying "Well, urm."

Chris Pratt then begins to tell us his experience starting off by saying "That does remind me, about 20 years ago, when I first to moved to LA, I would go to these karaoke bars and sing. I don't what happened but one night I was hitting on all cylinders, you know? I was really singing and I sang Michael Jackson's 'Man in the Mirror'." With gasps from Tom, Daisy and Elizabeth, Chris continued "I bought down the house, I was thinking maybe I could be singer." Oh Chris you're cracking us up.

Chris Pratt & Elizabeth Banks on KISS Breakfast

At this point Chris has built this story up and were intrigued to see where this story was going, Chris Pratt continued the story saying "I was really confident, level high, so the next week I go to a new karaoke spot and I'm chatting up this girl, Miss Marina." Looking directly down the camera he says "If you are listening Marina, hello. I was like ok, I know what I'm doing tonight." Getting closer to the mic, he says "I'm singing a little Michael Jackson, 'Man in the Mirror', so I request it and confidently set up on stage, the song comes on and I started to sing and the key was a little off but I rolled with it because I'm a pro." We like the like the confidence Chris Pratt.

This is when the real charm comes in, Chris apparently looked into the audience and said "This ones for Marina." Elizabeth Banks seemed taken back by his smooth charm and Chris looking proud he started to sing his fave karaoke song, 'Man in the Mirror'. Let's just say the vibe was not quite write, Chris speaking his inner thoughts "Oh that's not right?" and Elizabeth joining in saying "nope, no." In this plot to try and win this girl over, it wasn't working in his favour and Chris continued to the story saying "I continued you to sing, and someone goes YOU SUCK."

Chris Pratt and Elizabeth Banks on KISS Breakfast

Chris Pratt ended the story by saying "It was so embarrassing and that song is so long!" with Elizabeth mirroring "so long!" Chris finally adding "I think she left with that guy said I suck." Leaving everyone laughing. We are feeling for you Chris Pratt, I guess the thought it what counts, right?

Watch the hilarious story here!

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