Watch celebs read mean tweets: “What is attractive about little boys with gross hair”

1D, Ed Sheeran and more star in the hilarious sketch.

Published 17th Feb 2016

American TV presenter Jimmy Kimmel has brought back the popular ‘Mean Tweets’ feature to his show and this is our favourite one yet!

It’s every celebrity’s worst nightmare finding mean tweets about themselves on social media, but now some of music’s biggest stars have braved the game and the results made for hilarious viewing.

One Direction, Ed Sheeran, Rita Ora and Drake are just some of the stars facing up to the mean insults in the new sketch.

1D’s Niall reads “Don’t understand the world’s obsession with One Direction. What is attractive about little boys with gross hair and skinny jeans?” to which Harry agrees “of course.”

Watch the full video here:

Warning: Contains some strong language.

Although most of the insults are extremely harsh, the celebs deal with the abuse in the best possible way…. by laughing it off!