Users warned of spam 'premium' WhatsApp

Users are being warned not to download the app

Published 24th May 2016

WhatsApp messenger is one of the world’s most popular messaging apps but now users have been warned about a new scam that has been catching thousands of people out.

If you get an exclusive invite to upgrade to WhatsApp gold then do not accept.

Scammers are sending random users ‘exclusive invitations’ to upgrade to what looks like a new version of the popular app but beware it’s not. There is only one version of WhatsApp and there is no ‘gold’ update.

© iStock

The message reportedly reads: “Hey finally secret WhatsApp gold version has been leaked, this version is used only be big celebrities. Now we can use it too.”

Users are then asked to click on the download link for the update which will then infect smartphones with a malicious virus.

The upgrade does its best to entice users by claiming to offer new features, including having the ability to delete sent messages, sending 100 pictures at once and the ability to have video chats.

Users are being advised to delete any messages they receive and immediately install an anti-virus app on their phone.