Rihanna reveals her random food rider

Rihanna revealed some seriously random food riders on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Published 5th Feb 2016

Rihanna revealed some seriously random food riders on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Ellen read out her list of riders for the show: ‘regular Cheetos, hot Cheetos, Golden Grahams, cereal, Oreos, cuppa noodles, red and white wine, vodka, soda, frappuccinos, and garlic olives’.

Yup seriously…

Rihanna explained ‘I just like to be prepared. You never know what mood you’re going to be in that day.’ She added ‘ I don’t eat the Oreos that much, Golden Grahams I haven’t had those in about two years. Hot Cheetos - definitely happening. Regular Cheetos - when I’m tried of Hot Cheetos.’

They also talked relationships, Rihanna said ‘I’m single right now…. I can’t find the time to entertain a steady relationship or anything serious.’ But it seemed Ellen wanted to set up Ri-Ri with Drake…