Meet MSQRD. The app Cara Delevigne is obsessed with

If follow Cara Delevingne on instagram you might have spotted her posting some rather hilarious videos recently.

Published 11th Feb 2016

If follow Cara Delevingne on instagram you might have spotted her posting some rather hilarious videos recently.

She’s been having a play with app MSQRD. An app which allows you to ‘record video selfie animations, change the way you look and send it to your friends’

You can pretend to be Leonardo DiCaprio accepting an Oscar (it’s going to happen!) or see what you look like as Donald Trump, Obama or Shia LeBoeuf with a bag over his head because… no one knows why.

There’s also a load of animal options, so you can be a polar bear, a gorilla, a dog, rabbit or a tiger.