'You may be talented but you're not Kanye West': Oscar worthy Kanye recitals

Kanye's been getting busy with the 140 character limit recently.

Published 8th Mar 2016

Kanye’s been getting busy with the 140 character limit recently. So those funny people at Vanity Fair decided to get some celebs to dramatically recite Kanye Tweets at their Oscar party, and the results were SPECTACULAR!

Celebs including James Corden, Kate Hudson, JJ Abrams, Whoopi Goldberg, Patrick Stewart read out classic Kanye-ims including ‘I’m not going to lie to you, I love me so much right now’; ‘You may be talented but you’re not Kanye West’, ‘Fur pillows are actually hard to sleep on’ and ‘I think twitter was designed specifically with me in mind… just my humble opinion.’

Patrick Stewart says a naughty word in his reenactment. Bad Patrick!