Katy Perry helps deliver her sister's baby for the second time

Six hours later she was in the recording studio.

Published 15th Sep 2016

Katy Perry has revealed on Twitter that she helped deliver her sister's baby.

Angela, who is the singer's older sister gave birth to her second child with the help of Katy recently. However, the 'Rise' singer wasn't around for long tweeting, "Helped deliver my sister's baby at 2pm & am in the studio by 8pm. GET A GIRL THAT CAN DO BOTH"!

This is the SECOND time Katy has helped deliver a baby!

Two years ago she helped deliver Angela's first child when she went into labour, tweeting "Finally you can add "helps delivers babies in living rooms" to my resume!".

Reflecting on the experience in 2014 Katy said in an interview: "My sister gave birth in her living room and I got to be kind of like an assistant doula, which, in a home birth, is kind of just there for support,"

Continuing, "I was in it! I mean I was holding... I probably shouldn't give too many details, but my sister actually is a true rock star. She gave birth in her living room without a single Advil (painkiller)."

Katy also said that she filmed the whole thing on her iPhone, but Angela (unsurprisingly) doesn't want to watch it.