Judge orders Justin Bieber to Miami to face questions over paparazzi scuffle

And it's not going to be easy for Biebs to get there.

Published 30th Sep 2016

A judge has ordered Justin Bieber to Miami to face questions over a paparazzi scuffle.

Miami pap Manuel Munoz claims one of Biebs’ bodyguards chased him down a street and injured him, when he attempted to get a snap of Justin leaving a nightclub in 2014. Munoz is claiming damages for the incident.

According to TMZ, Biebs has been given 30 days to return to Miami and face questioning over the incident. Lawyers are also expected to question Biebs’ over his previous alternations also.

It’s not going to be easy for Biebs to get there, he’s in the middle of the European leg of the Purpose World Tour. The tour finishes in London on 29th November 2016. However if Biebs doesn’t turn up, the judge will issue a ‘writ of bodily attachment’ meaning the cops can drag Biebs to Miami.