Check out the 72 emojis arriving this June

72 new emojis are arriving on your keyboard this month

Published 2nd Jun 2016

72 new emojis are arriving on your keyboard this month. Yup, The Unicode Consortium aka the people responsible for our beloved emojis (can we get a job guys?!) have announced they’ve approved 72 brand new emojis for release this June including AN AVOCADO EMOJI!

Joining the avocado in the update are emojis for facepalm, drooling, crossed fingers, taking a selfie, rolling on the floor laughing and shrugging shoulders. Plus the food and drink additions are on point, with emojis arriving for bacon, burritos, tacos, clinking champagne glasses, pancakes, dim sum and a takeaway box. There’s also going to be an spoon emoji to keep the fork and knife company.

© emojipedia

According to emojipedia, the new emojis are set to be released on 21st June 2016. Who's excited?