Adele makes hotel staff travel 140 miles to pick up her pizza

Sometimes when you really want your favourite pizza... it's the only thing that will do.

Published 11th Jul 2016

Sometimes when you really want your favourite pizza… it’s the only thing that will do.

And it turns out if you are a mega star like Adele you can make that happen, even if you are 140 miles from your favourite take away place.

Rumour has it, that while Adele was staying at the Soho Farmhouse resort in Oxford. She got a member of hotel staff to travel 70 miles to pick her up a pizza from her favourite place in Kensington, West London. Plus the 70 miles back, making it a 140 mile round trip! Then, wait for it… once the pizza arrived some four hours later at 3am, Adele had fallen asleep.