Adele wasn't keen on the Amy Winehouse film

Adele said she felt like she was "intruding" when watching the Amy documentary.

Published 28th Oct 2015

When asked whether she'd seen Asif Kapadia's documentary, Amy, which was released back in July and follows the story of Amy Winehouse's rise to fame and eventual demise, Adele said that she had initially decided not to watch it but then changed her mind after reading a review.

To I-D Magazine, Adele said "I loved her and I went through my own massive grieving process as her fan. I'd finally got to a place where I felt really great about the impact she'd had on my life, in every way. But then I read this review of it Amy and that made me go and see it."

When watching the film, she said "I got super emotional with the funeral footage. But I wasn't really that into the saved voicemails and stuff like that. I felt like I was intruding, so I actually felt a little bit uncomfortable and that ruined it for me. I kind of wish I hadn't seen it."

Adele went on to say, "But you know, I love Amy. I always have, I always will. Do you know what makes me super sad? That I'm never going to hear her voice again, other than how I've heard it."


Earlier this week it was reported that Mitch Winehouse will be making his own documentary about Amy. After being upset by Asif Kapadia's film, which Mitch claims "painted him as being an absent father during her last years", Mitch is working on another piece about his daughter that won't be "negative".