Rees-Mogg heckled by protestors in Birmingham

The Business Secretary faced a hostile reception as the Conservative party conference started.

Author: PA/Kellie MaddoxPublished 2nd Oct 2022
Last updated 2nd Oct 2022

Jacob Rees-Mogg has been chased and heckled by protesters in Birmingham where the Conservative Party Conference is getting under way.

The Business Secretary was followed by demonstrators as he crossed Victoria Square in the city centre, where hundreds had gathered to vent their anger at the Government.

Escorted by several police officers, Mr Rees-Mogg was pursued by a loudly booing and jeering crowd, some of whom shouted "Tory scum", as he headed towards his party's annual gathering at the nearby International Convention Centre.

His appointment has been criticised by environmental groups due to his criticism of "climate alarmism" and support for fracking.

Mick, who followed the minister with a placard that read "Tory lies kill", said he joined the rally because "I hate the Tories".

The 58-year-old, from Birmingham, who did not want to give his surname, described Prime Minister Liz Truss's mini-budget as "disastrous for normal people".

He told the PA news agency: "It's just the start though - the next step is, to balance the books again, they're going to cut public services even further. They disgust me."

Other demonstrators also expressed their anger over the Government's move to axe the top rate of income tax for the nation's highest earners during the cost-of-living crisis.

Jane Elledge, 53, an IT trainer from Bromsgrove, told PA: "Enough is enough really. We've had Brexit, we've had falling standards, we've had people having to work two jobs, people starving, people with no heating, and just the kind of final straw is the announcement of the richest people getting a tax cut.

"Trickle-down economics doesn't work. We get nothing - nothing for the working people.

"It's got to stop. Tories out."

As speakers took to the stage, demonstrators chanted "Tories are not welcome here" and "Tory scum out of Brum".

Organised by the People's Assembly campaign group, it was part of a wave of protests sweeping the country amid rising energy costs and falling living standards.

Speaking ahead of the conference, Ms Truss said she is standing by her tax-cutting plan as she refused to rule out public spending cuts.

She admitted she should have "laid the ground better" for Kwasi Kwarteng's financial statement, and said the Chancellor had made the decision to cut income tax for the richest.