Teenager sentenced for robbing Salford Subway

Published 3rd Dec 2015

A boy who robbed Subway in Salford armed with a machete has been sentenced to a 12 month detention order, followed by 6 months training and supervision.

A 16-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to robbery and assault to resist arrest at an earlier hearing.

He was sentenced to the 12 months in custoy and the training at Manchester Crown Court today.

At 8pm on Thursday the 19th of October, he went into the Subway shop on Bolton Road in Irlam o'th' Heights in Salford, armed with a knife.

He threatened the shop worker with the knife before ripping the cash-till from the store.

As he tried to leave the shop, he was confronted by police officers, and threw the till at their heads, but missed. He was arrested on suspicion of robbery and assault to resist arrest.

Chief Inspector Mark Dexter of Specialist Operations said:

“The boy went into the shop armed with a machete and threatened staff using violence and intimidation. He thought he had gotten away with it and was shocked to find officers waiting for him at the door.

“When he realised he had been caught, he even threw the cash-till at the officer's heads and it was fortunate that it missed.

“I hope today’s sentence shows that if you commit such acts of violence, we will catch you and justice will be done.”