More sex crime culprits are being caught and convicted

A report reveals prosecutors are locking up more men who commit crimes of violence against women.

Published 6th Sep 2016

The conviction rate for rape, sexual offences and domestic abuse prosecutions in Greater Manchester and Cheshire has improved, a report published today shows.

In 2015/16 just over 13,000 defendants were prosecuted by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in the North West for crimes of violence against women and girls with 79% of defendants convicted in 2015/16 up from 77.8% in 2014/15. The CPS’s annual report shows that the largest improvement in the conviction rate in the North West comes in rape cases, with 61.4% of defendants convicted, up 8.3% on the previous year. 81.6% of defendants charged with sexual offences other than rape were convicted, an improvement of 4.9% on 2014/15. The conviction rate for domestic abuse cases remained broadly consistent at 79.6% (79% in 2014/15).

Claire Lindley, Chief Crown Prosecutor, CPS North West said: “I am pleased to see that the conviction rate in Greater Manchester, and in the North West as a whole, for domestic violence, rape and sexual assault offences has improved this year. "I hope that today’s report will give victims confidence in coming forward and reporting these crimes to police.

“Over the last year CPS North West has set up a specialist unit for prosecuting rape and serious sexual offences, with specially trained prosecutors and paralegal staff, and since this team was established we have seen a significant improvement on the number of successful prosecutions for sexual offences.” Meanwhile; KEY103's Clare's Law's continuing to save lives across Greater Manchester. Since the scheme was launched in the region in 2012 - 426 people have been told that their partner has a violent past. 

We campaigned for the legislation following the death of Salford mum Clare Wood who was murder by her ex-partner.

It's now been rolled out across England...Scotland and Wales.