WATCH: Donald Trump’s angst-ridden tweets turned into early 2000s emo song

Sad! FAKE NEWS! Very dishonest! Terrible!

Donald Trump tweets
Published 13th Feb 2017

Quite easily the greatest thing you’re likely to watch all day, week, month or year, Donald Trump’s angst-ridden tweets have been transformed into an early 2000s emo song.

Entertainment company Super Deluxe has created the two minute and 41 seconds opus that utilises some of the Presidents most infamous 140 character rants - including voter fraud, the biased press, Saturday Night Live, ‘over-rated’ Meryl Streep being overrated and, of course, FAKE NEWS!

Musically it’s spot on too, aping any number of turn-of-the-century emo acts.

Introducing the video, Super Deluxe wrote: “We noticed that Donald J. Trump's tweets are basically the lyrics to an early 2000s emo song so we turned them into one."

Watch the video in all its glory here: