Study: Black Sabbath's Music Boosts Plant Blooms

Cliff Richard's music could kill plants...

Published 23rd Apr 2013

A gardening expert claims that playing heavy metal music to plants boosts the bloom and leads to healthier yields.

!TV gardener Chris Beardshaw, who regularly appears on BBC 2’s Gardener’s World, helped devise a horticultural test as part of a student’s dissertation on the effects of music on plants.

It found that plants exposed to Cliff Richard’s music withered and died whereas those that had Black Sabbath played to them were more disease resistant and produced bigger flowers.

Beardshaw explained on Gardeners’ Question Time: "We had one greenhouse that was silent and we had one that was played classical music, one that was played Cliff Richard and one that was played Black Sabbath.

"The ones with Black Sabbath – great big, thumping noise, rowdy music – they were the shortest, but they had the best flowers and the best resistance to pest and disease.

"It was alstroemerias we were growing and we bombarded these glasshouses with sound for the life of the plant."

However, he added: "Those in the Cliff Richard house all died. Sabotage was suspected but we couldn’t prove it."

Black Sabbath ‘God Is Dead?’

God Is Dead? - 13 (Deluxe Version)</a>