RATM's Tim Commerford starts nation in Parliament Square

The Rage bassist established a micro-nation right under politicians' noses.

Published 27th Jul 2016

No stranger to political pranks, Rage bassist Timmy C and his punk trio Wakrat marched into the heart of UK politics on Tuesday evening.

Anyone who's seen the infamous video for 'Sleep Now In The Fire' will know that when it comes to political protests, the members of Rage Against The Machine know what they're doing.

And thus it was, arriving on an iconic red London bus emblazoned with a massive sign saying "#generationf**ked", Tim and his co-conspirators proceeded to march onto parliament's front lawn.

Tim Commerford founding The Republic of Wakrat on Parliament Square

Explaining the legality of the audacious manouevre on their website, the band highlight an ancient loophole which they say gives them the authority to start The Republic of Wakrat on one of the most politically-charged pieces of turf in the world.

The land now known as Westminster is actually an island called Thorney Island. Originally the property of King Offa back in the 700's, the band claim that it has never been officially claimed by anyone else: "this area remains the property of King Offa, Mercian King under his charter which is in Westminster Abbey".

Whether you believe that a highly prominent piece of UK territory is now under the official control of a three-piece punk band from LA or not, the band's actual message is one we can all show some sympathy towards: "This new state welcomes everyone of all ethnicities, backgrounds, genders, generations, sexualities dis/abilities and faiths and offers a fresh alternative to the current system - we stand for equality and free movement."

The band go on to say: "The current system is oppressive and elitist, promoting racist ideologies in order to push a self-serving agenda whilst an entire generation is put in jeopardy."

The question is, after Brexit and now this - will we need a passport as we go through here on the No.24 bus?...