Panic! At The Disco Triumph Against Westboro Baptist Church!

They take on the hatemongers and win!

Published 21st Jul 2014

Panic! At The Disco have taken on bile-spewing Christian fundamentalists Westboro Baptist Church and won!

On Friday the infamous hatemongers announced they were picketing Panic!’s show in Kansas Missouri last night (20th July) and also unleashed a homophobic cover version of I Write Sins, Not Tragedies – renamed You Love Sin What A Tragedy.

Hateful lyrics included: “Oh! You all say it's okay to be gay/ The way to fag marriage has been paved/ Well this calls for some truth, now/ You're all insane.”

Justifying their picket, WBC wrote in a statement that Brandon Urie “brags about his perversions and the fans just lap it up. If his followers really cared for him, they would warn Urie that his sins are taking him straight to hell.

“Never fear, WBC will kindly do that job of putting the only message of truth and salvation before his eyes and the eyes of his fans.

“God hates fags, fags doom nations, America is a fag nation, ergo Americans (including little fag perverts like Urie and his fans) are doomed.”

Brilliantly, Panic! At The Disco have responded to the religious loons in emphatic style!

The band announced yesterday they were going to donate $20 to America’s largest civil rights organization The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) for every Westboro Baptist Church member that showed up.

When Westboro turned up with a measly 13 members, Panic! upped the charity pledge to $1000 and also donated 5% of their merchandise sales to HRC.

Incredible stuff!

Of course, Panic! At The Disco aren’t the first band to get one up on Westboro Baptist Church.

In September 2011, a gloriously camped up Foo Fighters serenaded WBC protestors outside their show in Kansas City with their gay love song ‘Hot Buns’.

Watch the hilarious moment here: