Ozzy Osbourne is a 'genetic mutant'

A leading scientist makes the bold claims

Ozzy Osbourne the genetic mutant
Author: Scott ColothanPublished 14th Aug 2019

Ozzy Osbourne has been described as a “genetic mutant” by an eminent scientist.

Back in 2010, Cambridge, Massachusetts-based human genome interpretation company Knome Inc. famously studied the genomes of Ozzy Osbourne and his wife and manager, Sharon.

As was widely reported at the time, the study found that there were palpable differences in the Ozzy’s genes linked to drug and alcohol response that shed light on how he was able to live so long despite decades of debauchery.

In his snappily titled new book Pleased to Meet Me: Genes, Germs, and the Curious Forces That Make Us Who We Are, Bill Sullivan, who is a professor of pharmacology and microbiology at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, analysed the study’s findings.

As the New York Post reports, Sullivan said “Ozzy is indeed a genetic mutant” who has a quirk in his DNA that has made him resilient to substance abuse and has allowed him to imbibe larger-than-normal quantities.

Sullivan also determined that Ozzy is more genetically predisposed to addiction, which he argues has “more to do with our DNA than our moral fibre.”

Published by National Geographic on 6th August, Sullivan’s book ‘Pleased to Meet Me…’ is described as a “life-changing look at what makes you you.”

The synopsis reads: ‘"I can't believe I just said that." "What possessed me to do that?" "What's wrong with me?" We're constantly seeking answers to these fundamental human questions, and now, science has the answers. The foods we enjoy, the people we love, the emotions we feel, and the beliefs we hold can all be traced back to our DNA, germs, and environment.

‘This witty, colloquial book is popular science at its best, describing in everyday language how genetics, epigenetics, microbiology, and psychology work together to influence our personality and actions. Mixing cutting-edge research and relatable humor, Pleased to Meet Me is filled with fascinating insights that shine a light on who we really are--and how we might become our best selves.’

After a turbulent 2019, which has seen Ozzy battle pneumonia and suffer a fall in his bedroom, the rescheduled UK leg of Ozzy’s No More Tour 2 trek takes place in early 2020.

Featuring special guests Judas Priest, tickets are on sale from Kerrang! Radio Tickets now.

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