EODM's Jesse Hughes begs forgiveness for his 'absurd accusations' about Bataclan security

"The shame is 100% mine," he says

Published 15th Mar 2016

Eagles of Death Metal frontman Jesse Hughes has apologised unreservedly for comments he made about security at the Bataclan in Paris where 89 fans were massacred by terrorists last November.

In a controversial interview with the Fox Business Network earlier this month, Hughes suggested that security had inside knowledge of the extremist attack.

“When I first got to the venue and walked in, I walked past the dude who was supposed to be the security guard for the backstage,” Hughes said last week.

“He didn’t even look at me. I immediately went to the promoter and said, ‘Who’s that guy? I want to put another dude on,’ and he goes, ‘well some of the other guards aren’t here yet,’ and eventually I found out that six or so wouldn’t show up at all.


“Out of respect for the police still investigating I won’t make a definite statement – but I’ll say it seems rather obvious that they had a reason not to show up.”

In response to the storm his comments caused, Hughes has now backtracked in a public apology.

“I humbly beg forgiveness from the people of France, the staff and security of the Bataclan, my fans, family, friends and anyone else hurt or offended by the absurd accusations I made.

“My suggestions that anyone affiliated with the Bataclan played a role in the events of 13 November are unfounded and baseless – and I take full responsibility for them. They do not reflect opinions of my bandmates or anyone associated with Eagles of Death Metal. The shame is 100% mine."


He added: "I've been dealing with non-stop nightmares and struggling through therapy to make sense of this tragedy and insanity. I haven't been myself since November 13. I realise there's no excuse for my words, but for what it’s worth: I am sincerely sorry for having hurt, disrespected or accused anyone."

A spokesperson for the Bataclan was quick to shut down Hughes’ allegations last week, saying: “Jesse Hughes spread some very grave and defamatory accusations against the Bataclan teams. A judicial investigation is undergoing. We wish to let justice proceed serenely.

“All the testimonies gathered to this day demonstrate the professionalism and courage of the security agents who were on the ground on November 13. Hundreds of people were saved thanks to these agents’ intervention.”

Eagles of Death Metal have performed live twice in Paris since the November atrocities – appearing on stage with U2 in December and headlining their own show at the Olympia Theatre last month.

The band have vowed to perform at the Bataclan when it reopens.