Dave Grohl: Taylor Swift rescued me while high at Paul McCartney’s house

He recounts a funny story

Published 24th Jun 2016

Rock god and master orator, Dave Grohl, has regaled a funny story about how Taylor Swift save him from crushing embarrassment while he was stoned at Sir Paul McCartney’s house.

The Foo Fighters singer attended a party at Sir Paul’s London abode when The Beatles legend (“the baddest mother-f***er in the world”, according to Dave) took to the piano to impress his guests.

When the party-goers urged Dave to get up and tinkle the ivories and sing a ditty, he fast realised he was in dire straits: 1. He couldn’t play piano. 2. He couldn’t play left-handed guitars. & 3. He was high out of his mind.

Fortunately, pop singer Taylor Swift was on hand to save the day for Dave and took to the piano to play ‘Best of You’ – something that Dave says blew his chemically altered mind “to outer space.”

Dave told the story during an acoustic performance at a Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity on Wednesday night before aptly launching into ‘Best of You’.

Dave’s full story reads:

*“So we were at a party and Paul (McCartney) was there and we were hanging out, having fun and there was a piano in the room and Paul gets up and starts playing a song. By the way, just so you know, Paul McCartney is the baddest mother-f**er in the world, he really is. You kind of forget that not only is he the coolest but he’s also the best. He’s cool man, it’s fun to hang out with him.

*“So, he gets up on the piano and starts playing this song, it was in the house in his living room and it’s blowing everyone’s fing mind, it’s so cool ‘new song, wow!’. And then he finishes the song and everyone looks at me and they’re like ‘go on Dave play us a song!’ And I’m like ‘well, I don’t know how to play piano, I don’t know what to do man, I can’t play the fing piano!’ And then I look around and Paul McCartney’s left-handed so all the guitars are left-handed. ‘S**! God, I’m screwed!’ And also maybe I’d smoked a little pot. So I was already challenged enough! And I’m like ‘oh my god, what do I do right now?! What’s going on?!’

*“Then all of a sudden Taylor Swift stands up and she’s like ‘I’ll play you a song!’ It’s like ‘thank God, Taylor Swift’s here!’ She’s like fing Batman when you need him. Wow! So she gets on the piano and I just think I’ll jam with her so I pick up one of Paul’s left handed basses off the wall, I’m super high, she starts playing and I’m just trying to figure out how to play along to what she’s doing – kind of like one of those nightmares where you’re running backwards and you’re always late for whatever you’ve got to go to – and she was playing this really beautiful thing on the piano and I look at my wife and I’m like ‘I know this fing song, what the hell is this?’ And she was playing our f**ing song ‘Best of You’ and as if I wasn’t high enough that blew me into outer space man. ‘Wait a second, Taylor Swift, ‘Best of You’, Paul McCartney, pot, what!’ I lost my mind. So I felt obligated to sit next to her and duet. Her voice, she’s got a good voice y’know, she can sing man. So I sat next to her and I did this…”

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