Top jazz gear. Danish quartet parody TV show theme

As the furore and fracas from the BBC’s flagship entertainment show Top Gear rolls on, Danish outfit Elektrojazz have parodied the programme’s famous theme.

Published 16th Mar 2015

Danish quartet Elektrojazz have seized the moment, as the furore and fracas from the BBC’s flagship entertainment show Top Gear rolls on, to produce a jazz parody of the programme’s famous theme. Band founder and trombonist Anders Larson has posted a Youtube clip described as, "a small celebration to Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear."

This is not their first foray into the automotive world. Clearly inspired by the driving experience, last year Elektrojazz released ‘Cars’, an entire album dedicated to classic 1970s motors. Each piece on the album is dedicated to one specific car or supercar voted for by petrol-heads and jazz lovers.

Listen to their jazz-funk-fracas-free bash at the Top Gear theme, a sample of their album 'Cars' and the Allman Brothers song 'Jessica' that is the original Top Gear theme below.