Stevie Wonder urges love making to honour Prince

Stevie Wonder has declared that fans should honour Prince's memory by making love to his “gift of music.” and not dwell on the cause of his death.

Published 12th May 2016

Stevie Wonder has declared that fans should honour his friend Prince's memory by making love to his “gift of music.” and not consider the, as yet unannounced, cause of his his death. Prince shocked the music world when he died suddenly aged 57 at his famous Paisley Park studio complex and home near Minneapolis on April 21st.

Commenting on the loss of stars like Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson and now Prince, Stevie says, "many of us are able to make love to their gifts of music, to make friendships and to remember things that were beautiful.” Asked if he had ever had sex to Prince's songs, he chuckled and replied, "You think I didn't?"

Miles Davis often referred to the sexual potency of Prince’s music suggesting that, “He’s the music of the people who go out after ten or eleven at night. He comes in on the beat and plays on top of the beat. I think when Prince makes love he hears drums instead of Ravel.”

Miles Davis had something of an positive obsession with Prince, seeing much of himself in his approach to his music and attitude towards his art. At Paisley Park, New Years Eve 1987, they performed a song together that Prince wrote for Miles called “Penetration.”