Sam Smith joins Ronnie Scott's Music Instrument Amnesty

This Saturday 11th of July Ronnie Scott's are holding their Music Instrument Amnesty and have already had several high profile donors.

Published 7th Jul 2015

This Saturday 11th of July, Ronnie Scott's are holding their Music Instrument Amnesty. The  World famous jazz club will be collecting unused instruments to donate to school aged children in the UK and overseas. This has been organised in association with Sistema England and Music Fund and instruments will be sent to children whose access to music education has been compromised due to their social situation and/or geographical location.

There are already several high profile donors. British multi-instrumentalist Nithin Sawhney has donated a guitar, a violin from Neil Cowley, and two specially commissioned trumpets are being made courtesy of Christian Scott. Ronnie’s Managing Director Simon Cooke is donating a saxophone and Grammy and Brit Award-winning singer / songwriter Sam Smith has also donated a beautiful white violin. This is not just any violin though, it’s the actual violin from his most recent Brits performance of ‘Lay Me Down’. 

As well as facilitating an instrument drop-off point, collection and repair of instruments, the club will be arranging jazz workshops based on its hugely successful Big Band in a Day initiative that invites school kids into Ronnie’s to work with world class musicians in forming their very own big band.

If you can help and want to be a part of this fantastic initiative book in for donation by sending an email to{:target=_blank}