Nina bio-pic finally sees release

Zoe Saldana's controversial portrayal of iconic jazz vocalist Nina Simone is to be released April 22nd.

Published 1st Mar 2016

After four years in the making and reportedly being shelved, the bio-pic ‘Nina’ about charismatic singer Nina Simone is reportedly finally seeing a release in late April.

The choice of actor Zoe Saldana to portray Nina Simone was widely seen as inappropriate due to her ethnicity and looks and the issue caused both an internet backlash and outrage from Simone’s family. Saldana replaced Mary J.Blige in the role and the film was widely believed to have been shelved but after the recent success and Oscars recognition of the Netflix documentary ‘What Happened Miss Simone’ it has been completed.

Also starring is British actor David Oyelowo who plays Clifton Henderson, Nina’s manager until her death in 2003, and Mike Epps. ‘Nina’ will be in theatres and on-demand TV on April 22nd.