New Sun Ra Arkestra live album and Lunar landing

The legendary Sun Ra Arkestra, under the direction of Marshall Allen, release 'Live at Babylon, Istanbul' Sept 4 and are confirmed for next year's Lunar Festival.

Published 26th Aug 2015

The legacy of avant-garde pianist, cosmic composer and visionary Sun Ra continues with the Sun Ra Centennial Arkestra, under the direction of saxophonist Marshall Allen. On September 4 the Arkestra releases ‘Live at Babylon, Istanbul.’ This is their only live recording from last year’s Centennial Dream tour. 2014 was Sun Ra’s centenary birthday year.

‘Live at Babylon’ is a riotous and joyful recording featuring Arkestra veterans Stanley Morgan on congas and trumpeter Cecil Brooks alongside 91 year old Allen and features vocalist Tara Middleton. The album was made possible by two avid Sun Ra fans, brothers Mehmet and Ahmet Uluğ, who were determined to bring the Arkestra back to Instanbul. The band’s last visit dated back to 1990 when the brothers drove them through the streets on the back of a flatbed truck whilst they played, drawing out thousands of curious people. Later the brothers opened Babylon, believing they’d been blessed by Sun Ra. 

This special edition CD and DVD is also dedicated to the late Mehmet Uluğ, whose sadly died in 2012.

Sun Ra Arkestra are already confirmed to play at the Lunar Festival in Warwickshire 3rd to 5th June 2016.