BB King laid to rest

The funeral of the ‘King Of The Blues’ BB King took place on Saturday in Mississippi where he grew up. King died in Las Vegas on May 14th.

Published 31st May 2015

The so called ‘King Of The Blues’ BB King was laid to rest on Saturday in Indianola, Mississippi, where he grew up. King died in Las Vegas on May 14th. During the week thousands lined up to pay tribute in the famous Beale Street in Memphis, home of the Hollywood-like walk of fame memorials to great musicians. 

At his funeral friends and family in a congregation of 500, with 200 outside, filed past his open coffin with its embroidered image of his guitar Lucille inside the lid.

The eulogy read, ”Hands that once picked cotton would someday pick guitar strings on a national and international stage."

A letter from President Barack Obama read aloud said the blues had "lost its king" and America had, "lost a legend. No one did more to spread the gospel of the blues.” he said.