The top ten most significant hours have been revealed

Moon landings, the Internet and the Berlin Wall are included.

Published 15th Nov 2016

Results from a recent survey conducted on behalf of Scottish Widows has revealed that the internet 'going live' is the second most significant hour in the past century.

The survey asked 2000 people from across the country what they thought the most significant hour was. Whilst Nye Bevan’s reading of the NHS Bill ranked quite high in the list at number four, it was the older vote which put it there with nearly a third of those over 55 voting for that, compared to just 4% of those who had never experienced life without the NHS, namely 18-24-year-olds.

Other events such as the Moon landing and Nelson Mandela's release from prison also included in the top ten, along with Martin Luther King's ‘I have a Dream’ speech which attracted 11% of the vote and the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990 with 23% of the vote.

Unsurprisingly the 9/11 terrorist attacksn from 2001 were ranked number one in the list.

Events such as England winning the World Cup failed to enter the top ten with just 5% of the vote.

The full list of significant hours is below:

  1. 9/11 terrorist attacks (28%) 2. The internet going live (25%) 3. Fall of the Berlin Wall (23%) 4. Nye Bevan’s reading of the NHS Bill (22%) 5. Detonation of the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima (22%) 6. Armstrong and Aldrin walking on the moon (20%) 7. Announcement of Adolf Hitler’s death (14%) 8. Martin Luther King's ‘I have a Dream’ speech (11%) 9. Announcement of Princess Diana’s death (10%) 10. Nelson Mandela’s release from prison (10%)