Man drives Facebook scammer crazy by responding with lines from Adele's 'Hello'

'I was wondering if after all these years you would like to meet.'

Published 7th Jul 2016

Rather than ignoring a Facebook scammer this Reddit user decided to strike up a conversation using Adele's lyrics to 'Hello'.

The messages, uploaded to Reddit and Facebook by Danish user sebastiankirk - real name Frank Flemming Jensen, contain a number of screenshots in which the conversation goes from a polite 'Hello', progressing to a death threat and lots of swearing.

With Adele being one of the best known musical artists around at the moment you'd have thought her lyrics could be spotted a mile off, but this Facebook scammer didn't seem to notice when she was getting responses containing just the lines from Adele's 2015 hit.

The scammer, 'Sandra Jones' (probably a fake name) started off the conversation by saying 'Hello beautyfull' (sic) to which Frank just replied 'Hello'.

A couple of screenshots later the scammer gets confused when Frank responds with the line, 'I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be', to which 'Sandra' replies, 'R you in california now? not denmark? your profile say danish' (sic)

The conversation then continues for a while before Frank then sends the message towards the end of the conversation saying, 'At least I can say that I've tried (I've tried)' to which the the response was more hostile saying, 'YOU TRIED NOTHING YOU ARE MAKING ME A JOKE YOU IDIOT'.

The full conversation can be read below and has had over 19,000 reactions on Facebook and shared over 9000 times.

© Facebook/Frank Flemming Jensen