People can't get their heads around this 'weird' photo
Can you spot it?
Once in a while, social media throws up some absolute gems that get EVERYBODY talking! Who can forget the Yanny or Laurel debate earlier this month? Or THAT optical illusion that made a girl look like she had three legs? Well, now a new photo posted online has left people baffled for a hilarious reason.
The photo, posted to Twitter by a user with the name @PaulaSophia1, shows a girl posing in front of the mirror with the caption, 'Pretty little thing.'
Now, it may seem like a totally innocent photo, but social media users couldn't believe the design of her bathroom. π
Yes, thousands of people have commented on the photo, with many expressing their complete confusion at why the toilet roll holder is so far away from the actual toilet...
The confusion of Paula's bathroom design comes just weeks after the big Yanny or Laurel debate went viral.
People all over the world were left divided over a voice clip posted on social media.
Whilst some people heard him say "Yanny", others were convinced they were hearing "Laurel".
Thankfully, an American Twitter user quickly discovered why people were hearing different things.
Dylan Bennett explained that it was all to do with frequencies, tweeting, 'Okay, you're not crazy. If you can hear high freqs, you probably hear "yanny", but you might hear "laurel" If you can't hear high freqs, you probably hear laurel. Here's what it sounds like without high/low freqs.' sic
Thank god that was cleared up! π