Work on three new housing projects in Ipswich to start this year

The three housing schemes will provide more than 270 homes

A CGI image of the planned development of 150 new homes on the former BT site in Bibb Way
Author: Jason Noble, Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 3rd Mar 2022

Work on three Ipswich housing schemes totalling more than 270 homes and in excess of £50million is due to begin later this year, Ipswich Borough Council says.

A report being presented to the council’s executive next week has outlined progress on headline housing projects being driven by the council and its wholly-owned company, Handford Homes.

Planning permission for the U, V and W portions of Ravenswood totalling 96 homes was approved in March last year after a lengthy six-year process, with 67 homes due to be affordable rent, 19 market rent and 10 allocated as starter homes.

The council said some enabling work had already been completed, which included widening the Fenbright Circle, with main work due to begin on site later in 2022 despite initial tenders failing to attract a suitable bid.

A CGI image of the planned development of 150 new homes on the former BT site in Bibb Way

“The scheme is expected to be between £15m and £20m but the construction market is experiencing some challenges currently with high construction inflation, supply chain issues and labour supply,” the report said.

“Therefore, the contract cost is harder than usual to estimate and an initial invitation to tender for the construction of the development did not result in any compliant bids.

“Handford Homes is reviewing its requirements and how the development is delivered before beginning a new procurement process.

“Handford Homes expects work to start on-site later in 2022 once contracts have been awarded to deliver the scheme.”

In Fore Hamlet, Ipswich Borough Council took possession of the former Hope Church building in January following the church’s move into the old Odeon, with the council planning to knock down the building as it is not suitable for conversion.

That will then make way for 30 flats, likely to cost around £7.5m.

“Subject to planning permission and the procurement of a suitable contractor it is anticipated that the construction of the new homes here will start in late 2022 and complete in early Summer 2024,” the report said.

The council is proposing to let the new homes for affordable rent.

The former Hope Church in Fore Hamlet will be demolished

Another significant housing project – expected to be around £25m+ – is for the former BT offices in Bibb Way, which will deliver 150 new homes.

Planning permission was agreed in the summer of 2021 for the site, vacant since 2014.

The council report said: “The council acquired this site in summer 2021 from Ipswich Borough Assets (IBA) following the granting of planning permission for 150 new homes.

“Prior to the sale to the council, IBA had already carried out demolition works, design and necessary surveys.

“Handford Homes expects to procure contractors to start work on-site later in 2022 and for the scheme to be completed in 2024.”

The developments are set to help the town meet its housing growth requirements, with next week’s executive meeting also due to approve the council’s updated local plan which will provide a blueprint for future development sites up to 2036.

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