Suffolk MP calls for colleagues to be 'open' about meetings

It comes as Priti Patel faces allegations of breaching ministerial code

Therese Coffey MP
Author: PAPublished 13th Sep 2021
Last updated 14th Sep 2021

A Cabinet minister said colleagues must be "transparent" about who they meet, as Home Secretary Priti Patel faces allegations of breaching the ministerial code regarding a meeting with a billionaire Tory donor.

Work and Pensions Secretary & Suffolk Coastal MP Therese Coffey told Sky News:

"I don't know the details of what you set out. What I am aware of is sometimes you do end up meeting people, perhaps by accident, and you have a conversation."

Told it was not an accident, she said:

"One of the things, if you're not there with a private secretary, is that you pass the information on to the officials and it's dealt with by the private office.

"As long as you pass on the information, that's what matters to make sure that the civil servants have the record and they can declare that in the appropriate way.

"I don't have the details of Priti but it's important we just make sure it's transparent in that regard with our civil servants and they can use the information accordingly."

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